I spent last weekend in Washington DC celebrating my niece’s high school graduation. Graduate festivities have become so much more than when I was graduating. It was so very special and there were many wonderful memories made with her friends and parents friends and great conversations about things they know or really need to know as they head into the 🌍 world.
In honor of my niece and the graduating classes this year, I wish you so much happiness and the very best in life and to anyone else reading this, I wish you all the best and hope this list may help you in some way.
I love you, Grace. xoxo, Mimi
This is a list I have considered writing many times in my life. Mentors, teachers, and people we look up to can pass on little gems of knowledge to keep us on a straight path or help us to be a good human, taking care of yourself and others, and to live and love your life. In no particular order.
Here goes…
1. Saying please and thank you will always go a long way.
2. When someone is speaking to you, do not look at your phone. 📱📱📱📱📱📱
Avoid walking while looking down at your phone. This is not only impolite, but will alter your posture and increase the size of your thighs while they work to assist you from falling, which will be likely, and possibly lead to injury.
3. Adopt and keep a good skin care regime. This includes washing your face before bed, moisturizing and using a Clarisonic style face brush to keep your face as clean as possible. Even using wipes to clean your face can leave pores unclean. Your skin texture will change over the years, be open to changing your routine to accommodate but do not skip taking care of your skin.
4. Moisturize your neck, too. I have been in the sun a lot in my life and my neck has seen a few sunburns. A client once shared this advice and I hope my efforts after 29 will sustain, but start now if you do not already. Moisturize both your face and neck.
5. Take proper care of your teeth. Brush and floss morning and night and in between, when you can. Do not skip regular dentist appointments and do not ignore any discomfort in your teeth or mouth.
6. Do not misuse available credit and credit cards. This will follow you into buying a car, your first home, and other things you may be disappointed by missing out on. It is ok to use credit cards and build credit and they can be rewarding when properly researched and handled. Do not let them get out of your control. Do not spend beyond your means.
7. Always hold the door for the person behind you.
8. Look for the good in everyone and everything, it will make you happy, I promise.
9. Do not participate in gossip. Be “No gossip.” Do not make time for conversations with gossips.
10. Take care of your vehicle. Have regular maintenance done on your vehicle and your tires checked. Always have more than one quarter tank of gas. Especially in the winter, be prepared, to stay warm and to be safe. Have an emergency bag, with blanket, towel, paper towels, gloves, a flashlight with batteries not installed, a pad of paper and pen and any other items helpful in a situation. My niece received her grandfather’s car as a gift and in the car was the most spectacular bag of everything you might need in case of an emergency. He brought out each item and explained to her how each could be used and why it is important to have on hand. Brilliant, Joe. 👌🏼
11. Always be a student. Be willing to be coachable. There will be more to learn in any area, on any playing field, in any career or sport you chose. Take coaching as it is intended: to help you grow. Be proud of what you know.
12. Be kind to everyone. You never know what battles people are hiding and fighting. Be a helping hand to others, you may be in need of a hand one day.
13. Have the utmost of integrity. You are your word, unless you are not your word. You will have so many chances to make choices in your life. Always choose to be your word and honor your commitments. Cancel if you need to cancel, call if you know you will be late, apologize if you are wrong or have hurt someone. Be your word.
14. Ask for assistance when you need it. You will never have to do everything all on your own. Be willing to speak up if you don’t understand something or to arrange for help if you could use the help. ❓❓⁉️
15. Remember that you are loved by so many!! ♥️ People are all so different and everyone comes to the table with their own set of memories or things which made them be the way they are. You are loved so much by so many, let it go if you meet someone not in your circle. Everyone passes through your life for a reason, maybe to teach you how not to be, or what you need to add to your life. Be open to the possibility of loving everyone. Turn away from negativity and look for the good ones. Ones like you. 🤩
16. Exercise daily, even for 30 minutes. Know that every little bit does count. Even if you are in good shape, your muscles need to be used and your heart is a muscle that needs regular exercise to stay healthy. Doing yoga every day will help your mind body and soul stay balanced, or at least give them the chance to be balanced. Exercise will boost endorphins which will improve your mood. Exercise will help you to keep a clear mind. Exercising regularly will help fight disease.
17. Eat a well balanced diet. On a college girl budget, it may be tempting to eat gummy bears for lunch, but skip the candy. Use common sense, or ask me (😂) , and do not get into bad eating habits. They will always catch up with you and losing weight is a struggle. Worse, having type II diabetes would be awful when it is due to poor eating habits. Be sensible and eat plenty of meat (or protein) and vegetables.
18. Respect the “Elders.” I put that in parentheses because they may not necessarily be older, but in a higher position or one to whom you answer. Give everyone respect. Be known as respectful.
Thank you for reading my list of 18 things I would tell my younger self. Feel free to share with the young people in your life or change it some to make it your own list.
Until next time, xoxo, Michelle
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These are wonderful tips, and I love that they’re centred around kindness and conscientiousness. I really struggle when I’m talking to someone and they’re on their phone at the same time (it feels like they don’t have time for me, or something), so I make a conscious effort to put my phone away during all social situations. It’s good, I think, to give people our undivided attention when with them 🙂 Also, your point about always being a student is great! It maintains our sense of curiosity and humility. Thanks for sharing <3
This is such a wonderful and kind comment!! It made me smile reading it and you made my day. Thank you for taking the time and I hope you gained something from it. Have a super fantastic day!!! Thanks again!🥰
xoxo Michelle