Amazing Rachel Ray Tacos 🌮

Sometimes I leave on the tv for my puppy if I will only be away for a moment. The news was on when I left and when I came in, sweet Baby Guapo was watching Rachel Ray make Crispy Green Chili Chicken Tacos. This sounded like it would be my husband’s favorite dinner, no question.

She blended some of her husband’s favorites to make this recipe and did a fun hack to keep the tacos together. Stand up crispy taco shells, with cheese on the bottom, toasted to create a seal. This really was a game changer and add the deliciousness of tomatillos and poblano peppers. We loved this dinner and I will be keeping it in the rotation for sure. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. And thank you, Rachel!!!

Chile Relleno Casserole Recipe

Making this for dinner tonight and really wanted to share to save it to come back to over and over. I know it will be amazing so sharing it for you all to enjoy!

Ours will be minus the yummy sausage they use as I am not a fan. This looks so amazing and I hope my husband loves it!! Very clean and we will use a little less cheese. He calls it “chee” since I use very little!! Too funny!!

xoxo Michelle


Our chile relleno casserole recipe is full of flavor thanks to cotija cheese, chorizo, blackened green chiles, and a light tomato sauce. It’s a lot like the chiles rellenos you know and love…only easier!
— Read on

Ms Health and Fitness🤞🏼

Hi!! You may not know this about me. I love to enter contests! Any kind. Sorry. I love it. I entered one the other day and thought it was for $20,000. Muscle and Fitness Hers. Sure!! You need my email and Instagram?? Sure!! Now … I am entered into a contest where the prize is $20,000 AND a cover shoot on the magazine Muscle and Fitness Hers !!

WOW!! I need and will love your votes!! It takes only a moment and the contest ends in a few days. July 30. Please vote for me by clicking the link below⬇️⬇️⬇️

Many thanks!!!! xoxo

Michelle Burks | Ms Health and Fitness

Have you seen this post??

Need a few new dinner recipes??

ReBLOG: What Yoga Does to Your Brain

Hi there! Happy Mother’s Day !! I saw this on my google page and found it so wonderful. For a yogi, it is very hard to describe to a non yogi what doing yoga does for your brain.

I love yoga, I love teaching yoga to awesome people in my community. I love meeting people on Instagram in the yoga community and pretending to be best friends. It isn’t pretend but it is so meaningful and in your heart, yet you have never been able to shake hands.

Check out this great article and come back to my site for some yoga sessions or for some great recipes! Quick links to recipes are HERE. xoxo Michelle

COVID19 Stay-at-Home Workout Set Up

Everything is closed. I know. Coronavirus is for real. It is here and we have to make adjustments to our normal daily lifestyle. Not a choice, social distancing is replacing our times out for workouts and, for me, to do awesome yoga classes, too. There are resources all over online, but maybe you don’t have any of the little things to make your COVID19 stay-at-home workout set up the most efficient.

There are lots of items out there, but we are not meant to leave the house. Here is a list of things available in your home or for a couple bucks on Amazon. Take care of your health more now than ever. Exercise daily, walk outside if the weather is nice, and you can keep the distance from people but still offer a friendly wave across the street.

1. The Kitchen Counter can be a great place to do push – ups. Stand a few feet behind the counter with your body in a straight line, arms in line with your shoulders, think plank. Shoulders pull down your back, hands on the edge of the counter. Bend your elbows into your ribs to lower forward and push back using your chest and arm muscles. Be sure to keep your hips in line with your shoulders. Do 3 sets of 15 or build endurance up to that.

2. A Chair can be used as a prop like it is a ballet barre or just something for support and balance. I teach corporate fitness classes and will have everyone put weights on their chair to be easily picked up and put down. Everyone has a chair in the house, kitchen and dining chairs work the best.

3. A Jumprope is a wonderful piece of workout equipment which can be taken anywhere. Go for a walk and stop each five minutes to do 50 jumps and build up in increments of 10 to increase your endurance.

4. A Yoga Mat for your comfort doing floor work like core and side leg lifts. There are so many out there it is hard to know what to look for in a good one. Believe me when I say I have tried a LOT of yoga mats. I say I am like Goldilocks with the yoga mats. This one is too heavy. This one is not sticky enough and I am slipping. This one doesn’t stay in place on the carpet when I teach. This one is too thin. Ok, the yoga mats I suggest are 6mm thick and good cushioning but also have sticky grip so that if you do yoga, you can feel confident you will not slip. Eco friendly is also important to me. And it has to be cute, am I right?? This one comes in four designs and could be left out as a runner! I love this one!! The white design is my favorite!!

5. A set of LIGHT WEIGHTS … Light enough for several reps, 2 or 3 pounds for women and 5 to 10 for men. All of your muscle groups will be working, so multiple weights would be a lot to change and switch and if you keep the same weight and are working lots of muscle groups simultaneously, the workout is more efficient. Compound moves, ones which use more than one group of muscles, are the way to burn more calories and fat.

6. A small Squishy Ball … 9″ is the diameter of most balls used for mat work or Barre. They can really add a whole new level of challenge to the muscles and can be used for various muscle groups. I love using these balls!!

7. A good pair of Brooks Tennis shoes! We all need a great pair of tennies to walk in or just kick around (but don’t leave the house!! 😏) Just kidding, even if you are in a state with stay-at-home orders, walking is allowed. Be sure to keep your distance from others but do give a big wave hello!! Social distancing. I had never heard of this before. Anyway, sneakers!

I hope you got some useful tips, or thought of things you already have to use at home. Dedicate an area for your home workouts so that you will avoid having to search for your equipment when you are ready. Stay focused and avoid distractions.

I wish you well and hope you are doing ok in the quarantine. Reach out if you need assistance with workouts. I am happy to help. Thanks for reading!!

Love you! xoxo, Michelle

Healthy recipes for you on my HOME page

Did you see my last post with a lockdown 2020 yoga flow?? here

Disclaimer: This website contains affiliate links. That means that if you should click a link and make a purchase, I may be paid a small commission without added cost to you. This helps offset the cost of owning a website. Thank you!!

Lockdown 2020 Yoga Flow

I hope you will find this yoga flow helpful. I am missing all of my yoga friends right now and wish everyone the very best while we are social distancing.

Do this flow at your own level and please feel free to modify or do a portion or do it twice in a row if you want!! 😉 I know this is a time where yoga may be the best thing to assist with managing stress or anxiety. Or maybe you will be missing your yoga and workouts with friends.

Me, too. I get it. This compilation, as you will see in my fine🙃 editing skills, is for my morning friends and my friend who requests core and loves the “X” pose and my girlfriend who surprised me when she said her favorite pose is (I AM quoting her) Padangustasana or maybe it was Padahastasana. Anyway I loved it when she used the Sanskrit name of the pose! This was my best way to bring you the workout.

Miss you bunches and sending lots of love!! Be well and take care of yourself, Do Some Yoga!! WE WILL GET THRU THIS. See you soon!! xoxo Michelle ♥️

Beginning Flow
More Flow
Standing core work
“X” Pose and spider 🕷
Seated practice
Bye for now!😘

I wish I could do this with you in person!! Believe me, I do. We will be together again soon, but until then you can do some of our favorite moves (or maybe they are new to you) and be ready to return when this is all passed. Until then, be well!! xoxo Michelle

If you like the yoga mat I am using, find it here.

Here is a link to the full video…

If you want to improve your immune system and overall health, find out how I get 49 fruits and vegetables daily here.

For some great recipes that I love, quick links are on my home page.

Disclaimer: This website contains affiliate links which will lead you to the page where you may be able to make a purchase. If you do, I may be paid a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps to offset the cost of having this website. Thank you in advance. xoxo

What Is Yoga For?🤷🏻‍♀️

Hi! I know it may be a bit of an odd title, but this is a question I have been asked a couple of times recently before or after teaching a yoga class. It is a legitimate question and I felt like I may have missed an opening to lead with yoga is for bringing “Mind, Body and Spirit Connection.”

Some do yoga to bring balance to their body or to heal or to continue to move while having to recover from an injury.

It can be great for exercise and does increase the heart rate in some vinyasa flow or hot yoga classes.

You can build strength doing yoga and increase flexibility when you practice on a regular basis.

It helps to let you get out of your head and into the moment. By breathing and moving and using your muscles, you can become in a meditative state and may be able to let go of background thoughts or to do lists for later.

Become Present. Practicing yoga helps you to be able to stay present and in the moment. You may feel this when walking down the street, driving, being with people and going about the day.

Increased joint mobility. Moving your joints through various ranges of motion keeps them lubricated and flexible. This translates to less pain from injury or arthritis or even just inactivity.

The Biggest thing yoga is for (in my opinion anyway) is making a connection with your own mind body and spirit. It is like a moving meditation. You breathe and move. Breathe and move again, and in between, you breathe. You tune in to your body and move as you breathe. You may become more aware of yourself and familiar with how you feel, which can improve overall health, confidence and poise.

Being calm becomes natural. It will always be a part of the practice and will come more and more easily as you spend time doing yoga. Even if you only have a small amount of time, yoga is always a good idea.

I hope you have had a great day today and I look forward to the next time you come by my blog. Ask if you have any questions about yoga!

Love, Michelle ♥️