Have you seen the many beautiful yoga pose photos on Instagram ? Tons of talented and beginner yoga enthusiasts take to Instagram to show their practice or progress and participate in yoga challenge after yoga challenge. Why??
I know for me, I wanted to improve my splits practice and when I searched the hashtag on Instagram, I found so many challenges with the goal of improving the splits! When I read the rules and saw how all levels were included, I did my first challenge.
To participate, I only needed to follow the hosts and the sponsors and post a photo each day of the challenge, tagging everyone in each post. It is really that easy.👌🏼
I have continued doing the splits and doing yoga challenges. Now, I am a host with two others and we do four challenges per year. #fourseasonsyogis
Here is a sample of a flier to promote our challenge. There are many many other groups and individuals hosting yoga challenges on Instagram. If you look, you will find several that you will like to join at any time.
The hosts show the pose of the day, usually the evening before, or some challenges list the poses or have them pictured, so you know what you are meant to do for each day. Simple. You do not have to have an influencer apartment for background effects, whatever setting makes you happy to do yoga. Hashtag the challenge so that hosts and sponsors may view your entries to be eligible. Now, the list…
10 Reasons to do an Instagram Yoga Challenge
1. Do yoga! Maybe you already do, but this will keep you honest so that you continue the practice. The benefits are endless, some even immediate.
2. Learn new poses you may not already practice. You may learn new ways to enter poses or variations you have not seen of poses you practice. Or do tree pose with the mascots for the Cardinals baseball team and the Blues hockey team at a health fair.
3. Meet other like minded yogis participating and like their posts and interact with them through the challenge. I have made several wonderful friends this way and have connected with them through yoga. 👊🏼😍
4. Improve your flexibility. While this is really a given, I know I am guilty of practicing what I already know I can do. A challenge can bring new life to your yoga practice and create a new goal you did not know was available.
…wait for the smile at the end. 😆
5. Improve your knowledge of yoga and your body. Are you a newbie?? I sort of dislike this word but someone just last night said that he was after my class. It’s really ok to be new. I wish everyone would at least give it a try. Every yogi has done their own first yoga class. Maybe you remember maybe you want to forget! Challenges can help renew or develop a love for the practice, which can improve your health dramatically! (Please always use responsibility when practicing. For example, warm up your body before trying any pose, new or seasoned yogis included.)
6. Do something you can be proud of. You never know until you try, right?? It is true of so many things in life. This is something I love about yoga and bringing yoga into my life, off the mat. I usually video my poses to use on a challenge, it makes finding the right frame easier. Believe me, I took many self timer FAILS! Delete. Do it again. Delete. A few tries with the video and I love doing it this way and editing. You may be surprised by your abilities. I first did videos when I needed a camera person. This one was during a splits challenge and made my day when I saw it. (Friend David is the camera man) I look so tall at 5’2″ !!
7. Improve your confidence. Another reason I love these challenges. Maybe you do not know this will happen, but seeing your your own progress is very powerful and boosts your self confidence. It can improve your photography skills, as well. I have had fun learning about filtering and positioning of the camera ( iPhone ) 🤭
“Practice and all is coming.” – Rumi
8. Become a selfie pro!🤞🏼 Most of the time, my favorite camera man is working when I am apt to strike a pose, and I have a few favorite places that I know I can set my phone up to record without help. Having someone else’s viewpoint is always nice, and he can get shots I can’t. My ability to edit and use the reverse mode on the phone’s camera improves with practice. My taste in filters changes which is fun, too. I like to use preset filters when I can, knowing the end result is a win.
9. Win wonderful prizes from thoughtful businesses. Most of us are shifting away from chemicals in our daily lives when we can or some, at all costs. The sponsors that are typically featured in the yoga challenges I have been a part of and seen are for the most part also yogic in their lifestyle or mission. The sponsors may be beautiful artists or talented wood crafters or eco friendly leggings and jewelry.
“Remember, yoga is always a practice, not a performance.”
10. Practice self care and Do yoga!🤷🏻♀️ It is such a great thing to do for yourself. Self care is a much overlooked necessity when it comes to maintaining a healthy body and mind. Even if it is only a few minutes of warming up before taking the photo for the challenge, this may be a good way to maintain the practice of yoga in your life.
Thanks for reading my post and I hope you are inspired to try a yoga challenge. Reach out if you have any questions about them!! Or follow me on Instagram to join the ones I do or host. Instagram
Have a great day, xoxo, Michelle ♥️
Need a great yoga mat?? This one by Yoga Design Lab is amazing!! You can pick from many colors and patterns, and it is so nice having the towel on the top of the mat, easy to clean and available on Amazon!!
Yoga Design Lab ultra yoga mat
Or this is a double sided yoga mat with even more choices of design and color…
Did you see my post about trying yoga this year?? here
Read my tips for taking a warm or hot yoga class… here
Disclaimer: There are affiliate links within this post and on this website. This means that if you make a purchase by clicking through one of the links, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps pay for the expenses of having this blog. Thank you so much.
Wow, all of your poses. Love yoga, it’s peaceful.
Thanks so much!! I have done several yoga challenges so the album grows and grows! 😆 I love it too!
So many benefits!! Thanks for your comment! Do you still have a blog, it isn’t letting me follow? xoxo Michelle
Super thanks!!🙏🏼👌🏼
Thank you. I am not able to understand why it is showing to everyone that it’s deleted.
I have not ever written to tell someone but have see this before. Maybe write to jetpack, they were amazing when I reached out. 🤷🏻♀️
I have never heard of these Yoga challenges but I appreciate this post! Now I can look this up! I personally LOVE yoga and find that it keeps me calm. It helps with my mental health so much. Thank you so much for sharing this!
So happy you liked the post! If you search #yogachallenges you will see so many that you can choose one you feel looks like a good one for you and just jump right in. You can reach out to me on instagram if you want me to look for some for you. I hope you have a fabulous day! xoxo Michelle
These are definitely some good reasons to do yoga. I started yoga to help with my running and continue to do it though probably not as much as I should! Will definitely have to look into some of these challenges.
Thank you for your comment! I hope you do start a challenge! I love the daily suggestions for the pose with variations and even doing enough yoga to warm up for the pose of the day is beneficial! Best wishes! xoxo 😚
That’s really cool! I had no idea there were challenges going on. I need to get back into it too.
So happy you saw my post and will get back to yoga! Search #yogachallenges and find one the looks fun or inspiring to you and go for it! I really started loving doing them!! Are we friends on Instagram? Happy Saturday!
Love the line…when in doubt go for – yoga!
Thank you!! Thanks for reading and commenting! You love yoga?? xoxo
Yes I love Yoga it’s so peaceful inside out. .
I love it too! Spread it everywhere!