Here is the link…
My brother does trail races and bikes and swims and has been doing extra lately. He wrote me and said he hurt his back running and biking extra this week. Hips hurt back hurts, trying to add some yoga to help. He knows I am familiar with back and hip pain and might have a remedy or two up my sleeve.
Before getting too excited, may I add that there is no quick fix for the pain, however, knowing a few helpful stretches may affect the level of pain and possibly relieve it all together. itself cannot alleviate all pain, working on your flexibility, no matter where you begin, can assist in muscle balancing and joint stability.
For athletes, sport is a repetitive move, done through the same range of motion, over and over. Sometimes, with explosive jumping and running in between. Joints and bones are put through extremely stressful training sessions, creating micro tears in the ends and insertions.
Yoga and stretching regularly can lengthen the muscles, create support in the joints and help to prevent injury.
Have a great day!
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