I hope you will find this yoga flow helpful. I am missing all of my yoga friends right now and wish everyone the very best while we are social distancing.
Do this flow at your own level and please feel free to modify or do a portion or do it twice in a row if you want!! 😉 I know this is a time where yoga may be the best thing to assist with managing stress or anxiety. Or maybe you will be missing your yoga and workouts with friends.
Me, too. I get it. This compilation, as you will see in my fine🙃 editing skills, is for my morning friends and my friend who requests core and loves the “X” pose and my girlfriend who surprised me when she said her favorite pose is (I AM quoting her) Padangustasana or maybe it was Padahastasana. Anyway I loved it when she used the Sanskrit name of the pose! This was my best way to bring you the workout.
Miss you bunches and sending lots of love!! Be well and take care of yourself, Do Some Yoga!! WE WILL GET THRU THIS. See you soon!! xoxo Michelle ♥️
I wish I could do this with you in person!! Believe me, I do. We will be together again soon, but until then you can do some of our favorite moves (or maybe they are new to you) and be ready to return when this is all passed. Until then, be well!! xoxo Michelle
If you like the yoga mat I am using, find it here.
Here is a link to the full video… https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9yE2aAVUM3SshITtJQxn3w
If you want to improve your immune system and overall health, find out how I get 49 fruits and vegetables daily here.
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